24 results
A 37-year-old woman initially presented with pancytopenia and found to have leukopenia (2.1 × 103/μL) with
with occasional Auer ... consistent with Auer ... addition to APL, Auer ... maturation, and mixed lineage ... Smear #Microscopy #Auer
Auer Rods - Bone marrow aspiration revealed 5% blasts and 65% promyelocytes; many promyelocytes had prominent
Auer Rods - Bone ... had prominent Auer ... APL #AuerRods #Auer
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (blood). Typical morphologic features are bilobed ("butterfly") nuclei with dispersed chromatin, subtle to
granules, and Auer ... KyleBradleyMD #Auer
Here are very large, immature myeloblasts with many nucleoli. A distincitve feature of these blasts is
a linear red "Auer ... Smear #Microscopy #Auer
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Lineage

#Hematopoietic #StemCell #Lineage #hematology #diagnosis #maturation
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Lineage ... Hematopoietic #StemCell #Lineage
An example of skeletal maturation during childhood at various ages. A, 5 years of age. B,
HandXRay #Estimation #BoneAge
Summary of haemotology cell lineages and the malignancies associated with them. Visit gramproject.com for more medical
physiology #cell #lineage
White Blood Cell Maturation Chart

#Pathology #WBC #Maturation #Lineage #Chart #Leukocyte #Myeloid #Myeloblast #Lymphocyte
WBC #Maturation #Lineage
Blood Disorders - Markers and Differential Diagnosis Algorithm 
 • Myloid (AML) - CD13, CD33, CD34,
, Sudan Black, Auer
Leukemias Overview: ALL, CML, AML, APML, CLL

Acute leukemias > 20% blasts in the peripheral blood smear
Lymphocytes - T or B lineage ... ALL is of B-cell lineage ... Age: 50-60 • Auer