12 results
Cornea Anatomy
#Anatomy #Ophthalmology #Corneal #Bowmans #Descemets #Membrane
Ophthalmology #Corneal #Bowmans
Likelihood Ratios of Clinical Features Ruling In Deep Vein Thrombosis
Malignant disease	2.71
History of deep vein thrombosis	2.25
Recent immobilization	1.98
swelling 1.45 Homans ... Likelihood #Ratios #DeepVein
Investigating DVT: approach to symptoms suggestive of lower limb deep vein thrombosis
#Diagnosis #DVT #deepvein #thrombosis #wells
Diagnosis #DVT #deepvein
Diagnostic Algorithm for Suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) 

#DeepVein #Thrombosis #DVT #Diagnosis #Algorithm #WellsCriteria
Thrombosis (DVT) #DeepVein
Femoral Deep Vein Thrombosis on POCUS
Hint: it's not a basketball.

- Dr. Philippe Rola https://twitter.com/ThinkingCC

#DeepVein #Thrombosis #DVT
ThinkingCC #DeepVein
Deep Vein Thrombosis Ultrasound Pocket Card
Deep Vein Thrombosis Scanning Sites:
 • Common Femoral Vein 
@Pocus101 #DeepVein
Physical Exam findings in Lower Extremity DVT - Likelihood Ratios
 - Asymmetric calf swelling, ≥2 cm
Palpable cord - NS - Homans
Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis (RPGN) 
 - Loss of kidney function over a short period of tirne
proliferation in Bowman's
Plain radiography of the abdomen revealed calcification of both adrenal glands. A homozygous mutation in LIPA
#infant #NEJM #Wolmans
Intraoperative Bronchospasm - Guidelines for Crises in Anaesthesia

❶ Call for help and inform theatre team of
air movement. ❺ Deepen