Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis (RPGN) 
 - Loss of kidney function over a short period of tirne 
 - Urinalysis with evidence of glomerular disease (hematuria, proteinuria) 
 - Crescent formation (extra-capillary proliferation in Bowman's space) 

Immune-Complex Mediated 
• Presence of immune deposits in glomeruli 
• Ex: IgA nephropathy, lupus nephritis, cryoglobulinemia, post-infectious GN 

Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane (GBM) 
• Typically circulating autoAb against type IV collagen (alpha3 chain) 
• Linear, ribbon-like GBM staining on IF 
• No EM deposits 

• Minimal immune deposits, negative IF 
• Majority anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) + 
• c-ANCA: anti-proteinase 3 (CPR) cytoplasmic neutrophilic staining 
• p-ANCA: anti-myeloperioxidase (MPO) perinuclear cytoplasmic staining 

#Glomerulonephritis #RPGN #Classification #Differential #Diagnosis #Nephrology 
NephSim (www.nephsim.com) @Neph_Sim · 5 years ago
nephsim.com is a free educational tool that uses interactive cases, media, and infographics to teach nephrology topics including glomerular diseases, acid/base disorders, kidney transplant, electrolyte abnormalities, dialysis, & more! https://twitter.com/Neph_Sim
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