156 results
Bleeding manifestations 
Petechiae are small, flat, red, discrete areas of skin bleeding that are typically <2
Bruise (also called ... Petechiae #Purpura #Bruise
Passive Straight Leg Raise Test for Low Back Pain and Sciatica

A passive straight leg raise should
Passive Straight Leg Raise ... passive straight leg raise ... Straight #Leg #Raise
Active Straight Leg Raise Test (ASLR)

The ASLR tests assesses the ability to load the pelvis through
Active Straight Leg Raise ... Straight #Leg #Raise
BRUE (Brief, Resolved, Unexplained Event) - Diagnosis and Management Algorithm
#Diagnosis #Management #Peds #Pedatrics #BRUE #BriefResolvedUnexplainedEvent #Algorithm
BRUE (Brief, Resolved ... Peds #Pedatrics #BRUE
PocketPEM - BRUE - Brief Resolved Unexplained Events #Diagnosis #Management #Peds #EM #BRUE #Risk #PocketCard #PocketPEM
PocketPEM - BRUE ... Management #Peds #EM #BRUE
BRUE (Brief Resolved Unexplained Event) Algorithm

ALTE (Apparent Life Threatening Event) is out, replaced with a new
BRUE (Brief Resolved ... classification, BRUE ... Peds #Pedatrics #BRUE
Sternal fracture on POCUS. 

60 year old PT, fell on her chest 4 days ago, tender
chest with mild bruise
Quick Reference Guide - 
Endocervical Brush/Spatula Protocol

#Diagnosis #Pap #Smear #Test #Instructions #Spatula #Brush #Turns
Endocervical Brush ... Instructions #Spatula #Brush
Primary Hyperthyroidism - Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Note: Although rare, gestational diseases can lead to thyrotoxicosis due
Palpitations - Bruit
Graves’ Disease: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
B & T lymphocyte mediated autoimmunity attack TSH receptor -> Continuous
Thyroid gland bruit