184 results
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome (HPS) Diagnosis Algorithm
Bubble echo is the first piece of the puzzle. The nail on
Diagnosis Algorithm Bubble ... the same way on bubble ... Diagnosis #Algorithm #hepatology
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome on Echocardiogram (A4C)
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome: Intrapulmonary shunting is most commonly demonstrated by contrast TTE when
contrast TTE when bubbles ... Echocardiogram #A4C #bubble ... #shunting #hepatology
ASD on Bubble Contrast Echocardiogram (a4c)
A patient with an anterior STEMI (take a look at the
ASD on Bubble Contrast ... #defect #ASD #Bubble
Surviving Sepsis 1-Hour Bundle - Initial Resuscitation for Sepsis and Septic Shock 

#SurvivingSepsis #1Hour #OneHour #Bundle
Sepsis 1-Hour Bundle ... #1Hour #OneHour #Bundle
Right bundle branch block (RBBB) and Left bundle branch block (LBBB) comparison

#Diagnosis #ECG #EKG #RBBB #LBBB
Right bundle branch ... RBBB) and Left bundle
Positive Lachman test in ACL Injury

Here is an exam of a patient under anesthesia with an
causes the knee to buckle ... cruciate #ligament #msk
SA node
AV node -
(mV) 0
ECG (lead II)
#SA node
#AV node
#Bundle of His
Bundle branches
#Purkinje fibers
node #AV node #Bundle ... of His Bundle
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome (HPS) demonstrated on Echocardiogram Bubble Study

Intra-cardiac shunt: Bubbles appear in LA quickly (within 3
Echocardiogram Bubble ... Intra-cardiac shunt: Bubbles ... (this video): Bubble ... Echocardiogram #Bubble
Left Bundle Branch Block Criteria #Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #LBBB #Criteria #ECGEducator
Left Bundle Branch
Right Bundle Branch Block Criteria #Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #RBBB #Criteria #RSR #ECGEducator
Right Bundle Branch