1913 results
Purulent Buttocks Drainage in Hidradenitis Suppurativa 

#Purulent #Buttocks #Drainage #Hidradenitis #Suppurativa #clinical #video #dermatology #PhysicalExam
Purulent Buttocks ... #Purulent #Buttocks ... #dermatology #PhysicalExam
Pace Maneuver for Piriformis Syndrome

With the patient's hips and needs flexed to 90 degrees, the patient
is pain in the buttocks ... clinical #video #physicalexam
Ely's Test for Rectus Femoris Spasticity

Ely's Test assesses rectus femoris spasticity.
With the patient prone, the examiner
If the buttocks ... Spasticity #Hip #PhysicalExam
FABER Maneuver: Flexion, ABduction, External Rotation 

Tips to distinguish SI joint pain from other areas of
Buttock pain (classically ... FABER #Maneuver #PhysicalExam
Ely's Test for Rectus Femoris Tightness

Patient lies prone on the table. The examiner flexes the leg
heel to touch the buttock ... to flex to the buttock ... clinical #video #hip #physicalexam
Ely's Test for Rectus Femoris Tightness

Patient lies prone on the table. The examiner flexes the leg
heel to touch the buttock ... to flex to the buttock ... clinical #video #hip #physicalexam
In a patient in the supine position, raising the leg with the knee extended stretches the
radiates from the buttock ... #Diagnosis #PhysicalExam
Tone - Leg Traction on Physical Exam
Leg traction is done by holding the leg by the
upward until the buttock ... tone #Newborn #PhysicalExam
Orthostatic Hypotension Management Algorithm
 • Hypovolemic?  Yes → Resuscitate
 • Volume Overloaded? No → Fludrocortisone
of the thigh, buttock
Schistocytes can assume a shape resembling natural or man-made objects such as arrowheads, fish, collar buttons,
, fish, collar buttons