13 results
Classes of Mutations in the Gene Encoding Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR). Depending on the
Conductance Regulator (CFTR ... molecular defect, CFTR ... no functional CFTR ... class I), or a CFTR ... can result in CFTR
Cystic Fibrosis 
An autosomal recessive condition. Mutations affect a specific gene on chromosome 7. The affected
conductance regulator (CFTR
The Cribsiders episode: "Cystic Fibrosis Licked-ty Split with Dr. Whittney Warren" 

#cysticfibrosis #cftr #pediatrics #podcast #education
cysticfibrosis #cftr
Tezacaftor–Ivacaftor in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis Homozygous for Phe508del #EBM #CysticFibrosis #Tezacaftor #Ivacaftor #CFTR #Phe508del #NEJM
Tezacaftor #Ivacaftor #CFTR
Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and R0 of the Novel Coronavirus 2019 compared to other famous contagious
Fatality Rate (CFR ... NCOV2019 #Wuhan #CFR
Endoscopic Bleeding Risk - Summary points from ASGE guideline 

Low Risk Procedures 
 - Diagnostic endoscopy
Resections (ESD, EFTR
Fatality / Mortality Calculations in an Outbreak
There are a number of different types of rates, risks,
fatality rate (CFR
COVID-19 - A Seattle Intensivist's One-Page Cheat-Sheet on COVID-19 v2.7 Updated March 26 2020

(v2.7) incorporating newer
influenza) • CFR
COVID-19 Mortality by Age Demographic

#COVID19 #Coronavirus #MortalityRates #CFR #Age #China
MortalityRates #CFR
Comparison of estimated case fatality ratios for SARS, COVID-19, and seasonal influenza by Age

#CFR #Fatality #Mortality
influenza by Age #CFR