35 results
Bell's Palsy - Facial Nerve Palsy on Exam

#Bells #Palsy #Facial #Nerve #Palsy #CN5 #CNVII #clinical #video
#Nerve #Palsy #CN5 ... clinical #video #PhysicalExam
Right Oculomotor (CNIII) Palsy caused by Stroke

Dr. Bruno Farnetano @bruno.farnetano

#Oculomotor #CNIII #Palsy #clinical #video #CN3 #clinical
clinical #video #CN3 ... video #neurology #physicalexam
Bell's Palsy - Facial Nerve Palsy on Exam

#Bells #Palsy #Facial #Nerve #Palsy #CN5 #CNVII #clinical #video
#Nerve #Palsy #CN5 ... clinical #video #PhysicalExam
Approach to an Eye Exam

1. History
2. Obvious Physical Trauma
3. Initial Assessment
  A. Visual Acuity
Ocular Movements (CN ... Fundoscopy A. ... Ophthalmology #PhysicalExam
Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) - Clinical Manifestations
 • Optic neuritis: Reduced visual acuity, ranging from mild to
Many others • Transverse ... pain • Extra-CNS
Hemimasticatory Spasm (HMS) on Physical Exam

HMS is characterized by paroxysmal involuntary contractions of the unilateral jaw-closing
Hemimasticatory #Spasm #HMS #PhysicalExam ... neurology #trigeminal #CN5 ... #CNV
Transverse Myelitis Overview

Focal inflammatory disorder of the spinal cord resulting in rapid onset of weakness, sensory
Transverse Myelitis ... Pathophysiology of Transverse ... that results in CNS ... Immune Mediated Transverse ... hours to days Transverse
Left Abducens Nerve Palsy (CN6) on Physical Exam

#Abducens #Nerve #Palsy #CN6 #CNVI #clinical #video #neurology #opthalmology
Abducens Nerve Palsy (CN6 ... #Nerve #Palsy #CN6 ... #opthalmology #physicalexam
Left Abducens Nerve Palsy (CN6) on Physical Exam

#Abducens #Nerve #Palsy #CN6 #CNVI #clinical #video #neurology #opthalmology
Abducens Nerve Palsy (CN6 ... #Nerve #Palsy #CN6 ... #opthalmology #physicalexam
Bilateral CN6 Palsy

Subtle bilateral abducens nerve palsy in a patient found to have IIH.


#Abducens #CN6 #CNVI
Bilateral CN6 Palsy ... #Abducens #CN6 ... clinical #video #physicalexam