35 results
Calcific Pancreatitis Associated with Alcohol Use - A computed tomographic scan of the abdomen showed extensive
Calcific Pancreatitis ... consistent with chronic calcific ... #Pancreatitis #Calcific ... #Chronic #NEJM
Rotator Cuff Syndrome - SITS
Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, and Subscapularis.
Causes: Calcific supraspinatus tendinitis 
Signs: painful abduction
Causes: Calcific
Calciphylaxis now called calcemic uremic arteriopathy - Management:
#Management #Nephro #Calciphylaxis #Calcemic #Uremic #Arteriopathy
Calciphylaxis now called calcemic ... Calciphylaxis #Calcemic
Calciphylaxis of the Hand - Calcific Uremic Arteriolopathy

- Dr. Jason shey @jason_shey

#calciphylaxis #Calcific #Uremic #Arteriolopathy #Hand
of the Hand - Calcific ... calciphylaxis #Calcific
Calcific Knee Tendinitis on POCUS in a patient presenting with knee pain

Dr. Bob Stenberg @POCUSaurusRex

#Calcific #Knee
Calcific Knee Tendinitis ... POCUSaurusRex #Calcific
DSM5 Diagnostic Criteria for Delirium #Diagnosis #IM #Delirium #DSM5 #NEJM
Delirium #Diagnosis #IM ... Delirium #DSM5 #NEJM
Approaches to Evaluating Kidney Disease in Patients with HIV Infection #Pathophys #Nephro #IM #HIV #CKD #AKI
Pathophys #Nephro #IM ... HIV #CKD #AKI #NEJM
Shoulder Calcific Tendinitis - Aspiration Procedure
 - Patient should be supine to prevent vasovagal syncope.
Shoulder Calcific ... #Shoulder #Calcific
Common Causes of the Different Categories of Dizziness #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #EM #IM #Differential #Dizziness #Vertigo #Disequilibrium
PrimaryCare #EM #IM ... Lightheadedness #Table #NEJM
Calcific Uremic Arteriolopathy (calciphylaxis) - Hand photo and XRay
Based on this image, what is the likely
Calcific Uremic ... Answer: Calcific ... calciphylaxis #Calcific