42 results
A Infographic Guide to Carbon Monoxide and Cyanide Inhalation: Diagnosis and Treatment

#Diagnosis #Management #Toxicology #CarbonMonoxide #Cyanide
Management #Toxicology #CarbonMonoxide ... #Cyanide #Smoke
Decision Aid For Lung Cancer Screening with Computerized Tomography (CT)

You should consider being screened if you
are a current smoker ... or a former smoker ... years ago. • You smoked
Cyanide Toxicity after Smoke Exposure - Management Algorithm

By Dr. Kavita Babu @kavitababu

#Cyanide #Toxicity #Smoke #Exposure #Management
Toxicity after Smoke ... Cyanide #Toxicity #Smoke
Our patient was exposed to burning sumac smoke while clearing out her yard .  Toxicodendron
burning sumac smoke ... Whensumac burned, the smoke ... Sumac #Urushiol #Smoke
Nicotine Replacement Therapy - Dosing Schedules 

Here's an easy way to remember dosing for Nicotine Replacement
how much they smoke ... and when they smoke
Acute Pharyngitis: Differential Diagnosis
 • Respiratory viruses (25-45%)
 • Group A Strep (5-15%)
 • Other bacteria:
to second-hand smoke
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Management and Surveillance

- Screening should be considered for more than just men
> 65 who ever smoked
Approach to Antithrombotic Therapy in Peripheral Artery Disease
Increased Ischemic Risk:
 • Prior MI
 • Diabetes
failure • Current smoker
Upper Lobe Lung Diseases - STAR CHASERS Mnemonic

S - Silicosis
T - Tuberculosis
A - Ankylosing Spondylitis
R -
Regurgitant MV S - Smoke ... injurious gases: - Smoke
A decision aid for people considering lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography
The USPSTF recommends
- Currently smoke ... such as those who smoked