140 results
Epiglottitis (Thumb Sign) vs Normal Epiglottis comparison on Lateral Neck X-Ray

#Epiglottitis #ThumbSign #comparison #normal #Epiglottis #comparison
Normal Epiglottis comparison ... on Lateral Neck ... Epiglottitis #ThumbSign #comparison ... normal #Epiglottis #comparison ... #Lateral #NeckXRay
#Anatomy #Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Lateral #Vasculature #PulmonaryArteries #PulmonaryVeins #IVC #RadiologyAssistant
Radiology #CXR #Lateral ... PulmonaryVeins #IVC #RadiologyAssistant
High Attenuation pattern 
1. Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia with peripheral areas of ground glass opacity.
2. Sarcoid end-stage
Broncho-alveolar cell carcinoma ... HighAttenuation #Pattern #Comparison ... #Table #RadiologyAssistant
Septic emboli
On a follow up CXR only a small lungcyst is seen. #Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Lateral
Radiology #CXR #Lateral ... #Cyst #RadiologyAssistant
Hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy
In sarcoidosis the common pattern is right paratracheal and bilateral hilar adenopathy ('1-2-3-sign').
paratracheal and bilateral ... In lung carcinoma ... #Differential #RadiologyAssistant
The mediastinum can be divided into an anterior, middle and posterior compartment, each with it's own
Radiology #CXR #Lateral ... #Compartments #RadiologyAssistant
The PA-film shows a silhouette sign of the left heart border.
Even without looking at the lateral
looking at the lateral ... SilhouetteSign #RadiologyAssistant
On the left three different patients with lung cysts.
From left to right: Lymphangiomyomatosis, LIP and Langerhans
CTChest #Cystic #Comparison ... Histiocytosis #RadiologyAssistant
Differential diagnosis of Lymphangitic Carcinomatosis. 
On the left multiple diseases showing septal thickening:
1. Lymphangitic carcinomatosis: irregular
adenopathy, known carcinoma ... pulmonary edema: bilateral ... #Differential #Comparison ... #Table #RadiologyAssistant
The fourth pattern includes abnormalities that result in decreased lung attenuation or air-filled lesions.
These include:
- Emphysema
Differential #Diagram #Comparison ... Emphysema #SignetRing #RadiologyAssistant