75 results
Droplet larger than aerosols, when exhaled (at velocity of <1m/s), evaporate or fall to the ground
Droplet larger than ... especially larger droplets ... 0.1 mm), can be carried ... #Aerosol #droplets
Aerosolization - HFNC Simulation

Why the HFNC is aerosolizing and droplet enhancing! The simple face mask is
aerosolizing and droplet ... mask is a good barrier ... HFNC #Simulation #Droplets
Cough Droplet Aerosolization

Dr. Matthew Martin @docmartin22

#Cough #Droplets #Aerosolization #Clinical #Video #Aerosols
Cough Droplet Aerosolization ... docmartin22 #Cough #Droplets
Triplets on Fetal Ultrasound

- Howard T Heller MD FAIUM @hellersound

#Triplets #pregnancy #Fetal #Ultrasound #clinical #obgyn #obstetrics
Triplets on Fetal ... @hellersound #Triplets
Barriers and opportunities to integrating nurses in antibiotic stewardship #Nursing #AntibioticStewardship #Pathogens #MultidisciplinaryTeamApproach #Antibiotics
Barriers and opportunities
Rubella (German Measles)
Rubella, also called German measles, often presents with a mild febrile illness with a
by respiratory droplets
Causes of Generalized Hypoxia - Differential Diagnosis
 • Hypoxemic - Not enough O2 (Most Common)
enough or faulty carrier
All masks will filter particles of 0.3 microns or bigger (i.e. 95 will filter out 95%
be contained in droplets
The Relative Size of Particles
From the COVID-19 pandemic to the U.S. West Coast wildfires, some of
µm Respiratory droplets ... pollen #comparison #droplets
Hepatitis B Virus Serology and Interpretation
HBsAg - Anti-HBs - Anti-HBc - HBeAg - Anti-HBe
 - Acute
- Inactive HBV carrier