1420 results
Choledocholithiasis on POCUS RUQ

Transducer positioned anteriorly over RUQ (top of the screen = anterior) demonstrating the
Choledocholithiasis ... lodged in the CBD (choledocholithiasis ... Herbst @EUSmkh #Choledocholithiasis ... dilatation #abdominal #ultrasound
Common Bile Duct Stone on POCUS

Here’s a similar case in a 70yo F with a remote
BileDuct #CBD #Stone #Choledocholithiasis ... POCUS #clinical #ultrasound
Dilated Distal Common Bile Duct on POCUS

Male with RUQ abdominal pain for 2 days.  GB
=choledocholithiasis ... POCUS #clinical #ultrasound ... gallbladder #clinical #ultrasound
Right Upper Quadrant Pain
 - Infectious: Acute viral hepatitis, Liver abscess
 - Non-infectious: hepatitis (Alcohol, Medications),
biliary colic"), Choledocholithiasis
Complications of Gallstones - Cholelithiasis
1. Biliary colic
2. Cholecystitis
3. Mucocele
4. Empyema
5. Fistula
6. Perforation
7. Gallbladder carcinoma
8. Mirizzi's syndrome
Diseases of the Biliary Tract
Asymptomatic gallstones - Asymptomatic
Symptomatic gallstones - Biliary pain
Cholesterolosis of gallbladder - Usually
pain, nausea Choledocholithiasis
Causes of Acute Liver Injury - Differential Diagnosis
Hepatocellular - Liver Parenchyma
 • Infectious: Hepatitis C, A,
Extrahepatic • Biliary: Choledocholithiasis
ABCs of Lung Ultrasound - POCUS

Pitt Internal Medicine Point of Care Ultrasound @PittIMPOCUS

.mp4 Hi-Res Version Here:
ABCs of Lung Ultrasound ... Point of Care Ultrasound ... 11923/profiles-ultrasound-differential-pocus-lung
Gastric Ultrasound - POCUS Cheats

#Gastric #Ultrasound #POCUS #Cheats #Guide #Diagnosis
Gastric Ultrasound ... Cheats #Gastric #Ultrasound
Gastric Ultrasound Assessment 
#Diagnosis #POCUS #Gastric #Ultrasound #Orientation #Anatomy #Pulmcrit
Gastric Ultrasound ... POCUS #Gastric #Ultrasound