11 results
Clavicular Fracture: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Group I (69%) - Middle third (mid-shaft)
Group II (29%) - Distal
Clavicular Fracture ... #Clavicular #Fracture
Fig. 4 Position of the vein in relation to the artery. A) Right mid-clavicular, B) left
A) Right mid-clavicular ... , B) left mid-clavicular ... right lateral-clavicular ... ) left lateral-clavicular
Internal Jugular Vein Anatomy on JVP Examination
Where can I find the IJ?
- Look where SCM attaches
Between Sternal and Clavicular
Septic Sterno-Clavicular Arthritis: Inked line delineates extent of associated cellulitis.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of
Septic Sterno-Clavicular
Acromio-clavicular Joint Separation: Disruption of the right A-C joint, in this case caused by trauma.

Charlie Goldberg,
Causes of Growth Discrepancy: Large for Gestational Age - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Maternal Factors:
 • Multiparity
plexus injury, clavicular
Lung sliding & pneumonia on POCUS
The differential diagnosis for absence of lung sliding includes pneumonia; however,
chest wall (mid-clavicular
Foot Anatomy - Foot Bones
Mnemonic - Tiger Cubs Need MILC
T - Talus
C - Calcaneus
N - Navicular
Calcaneus N - Navicular
Foot Anatomy - Foot Bones
Mnemonic - Tiger Cubs Need MILC
T - Talus
C - Calcaneus
N - Navicular
Calcaneus N - Navicular
Pectoralis Major Rupture Injury during Bench Press Exercise
CLINICAL: a rare injury patterns with typical sudden "tear/pop"
and finally the clavicular