89 results
Clotted Hemothorax on POCUS
Clotted blood that enters the pleural cavity is exposed to motion of the
Clotted Hemothorax ... on POCUS Clotted ... SonoStache #Clotted
Hemothorax on Lung POCUS with Spine Sign

GSW to left chest.  Perisplenic window focusing on lower
sub-pleural area of clotted ... Note that clotted
Ruptured Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy on Pelvic Ultrasound

Young female.  Lower abdominal pain/VB.  UCG pos. Soft
LARGE amount of clotted ... Easy to miss clotted
FAST Exam in a Blunt Trauma patient with Shattered Spleen

1. Know your US anatomy
2. Beware of
Beware of "clotted
Non-Traumatic Monocular Vision Loss - Open and Closed Angle Glaucoma Anatomy

#Anatomy #Pathophysiology #Ophthalmology #Open #Closed #Angle
Loss - Open and Closed ... Ophthalmology #Open #Closed
Non-Traumatic Monocular Vision Loss - Open and Closed Angle Glaucoma Anatomy and Presentation
#Diagnosis #Pathophysiology #Ophthalmology #Open
Loss - Open and Closed ... Ophthalmology #Open #Closed
Hemorrhagic Pericardial Effusion on POCUS Echocardiogram

What is most likely occupying the space indicated by the arrow?
Unclotted blood ... anechoic around clotted
A high-resolution 7.5- 10-MHz or higher linear array ultrasound transducer is used to perform an ocular
performed using a closed-eye ... the patient’s closed ... apply tegaderm to closed
Pericardial Consistency Comparison on POCUS - Blood, Fat, Pus and Serous

Unclotted blood remains anechoic around clotted
and Serous Unclotted ... anechoic around clotted
Bell's Phenomenon (Palpebral-Oculogyric Reflex) on Physical Exam

Upward movement of the eyeball when the eyelids are forcefully
are forcefully closed