7474 results
Anemias - Differential and Diagnostic Clues

Ariella Coler-Reilly @AriellaStudies

#Anemias #Differential #Diagnosis #Clues #Hematology
and Diagnostic Clues ... Differential #Diagnosis #Clues
Epidemiologic Clues to Unusual Pathogens in Pneumonia

#Diagnosis #Pneumonia #History #Pathogens #Clues #Infections #Differential #Atypical
Epidemiologic Clues ... History #Pathogens #Clues
Epidemiological Clues That May be Helpful in Defining the Etiological Diagnosis of Culture-Negative Endocarditis

#Endocarditis #Bacteria #Differential
Epidemiological Clues ... Microorganisms #Clues
Septic Arthritis - Pathogens and Clinical Clues

Staphylococcus aureus 
Streptococcal spp. 
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 
Gram-negative bacteria 
Pathogens and Clinical ... Clues Staphylococcus
The Febrile Child - some diagnostic clues to evaluating the febrile child.

#Febrile #Fever #Evaluation #Assessment #Signs
some diagnostic clues
The clinical criteria for BV (Amsel critera), include 'thin' vaginal fluid, fishy odor upon potassium hydroxide
The clinical criteria ... attached bacteria (“clue ... #Clinical #Path ... Obgyn #WetMount #Clue
Clues to Differential Diagnosis of Central Cyanosis: Onset of cyanosis, Clubbing, Secondary erythrocytosis, Auscultation, X-ray, Echocardiography,
Clues to Differential
Flail Chest on Physical Exam

Anterior flail chest post MVA, see seatbelt sign as another clue

Neville @docvlok

sign as another clue ... #PhysicalExam #clinical
Radiographic patterns of pneumonia and pathogens to consider.

Cannot be entirely relied upon.  However, they can
provide useful clues
Microscopic examination of vaginal samples. A, Normal saline wet mount showing a clump of three normal
mount showing two clue ... indistinct borders of clue ... #Clinical #Diagnosis ... Obgyn #WetMount #Clue