74 results
The Febrile Child - some diagnostic clues to evaluating the febrile child.

#Febrile #Fever #Evaluation #Assessment #Signs
some diagnostic clues ... PhysicalExam #Diagnosis #Peds
Role of G6PD in Protection against Oxidative Damage #Pathophys #Peds #Genetics #Honc #Favism #g6pd #NEJM
Damage #Pathophys #Peds ... #Favism #g6pd #NEJM
Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease

#Clinical #Photo #Peds #Pediatrics #HFMD #HandFootMouth #Disease #SkinRash
Disease #Clinical #Photo ... #Peds #Pediatrics
Acral Lentiginous Melanoma (involving nail)

While acral lentinginous melenoma is often seen anywhere on the palms, soles,
within the nail, a clue ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Photo
Tinea Pedis: Scaly red erruption of the feet caused by fungal dermatitis.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD
Tinea Pedis: Scaly ... Images #Clinical #Photo ... SkinRash #Tinea #Pedis
Herpes Zoster Mandibularis - The lesions were scattered along the area that is innervated by the
#Clinical #Photo ... Mandibularis #Rash #NEJM
A necrotic ulceration was observed on the right side of the tongue. Cervicofacial computed tomography, performed
arteritis #clinical #photo ... Arteritis #tongue #NEJM
Mortality after Fluid Bolus in African Children with Severe Infection - June 30, 2011 N Engl
NEJMoa1101549 #EBM #Peds ... Boluses #Africa #NEJM
This is another example of facial bruising. Here again the face appears to be cyanotic (including
bruising #newborn #peds ... pediatrics #clinical #photo
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS)

A 5-year-old girl presents to the ED with a rash that started
SSSS #Clinical #Photo ... #Peds #Pediatrics