2774 results
This brilliant summary of Kawasaki Disease comes from @DrCharlie19 - a Paediatric Registar based in London

Kawasaki Disease comes ... #Diagnosis #Management
Vasopressors Demystified

Shock comes in many flavors and so do vasopressors. Here’s a OnePager summarizing my approach
Demystified Shock comes ... #CriticalCare #Management
HEART Score – A Tool For the ED The HEART score is an excellent tool that
The HEART score comes ... #Diagnosis #Management
Primary and Secondary Headaches - Red Flags and Differential Diagnosis
Red Flags (SNOOP):
S - Systemic		
N - Neurologic
Temple • Pain comes ... primary #secondary #management
Sexually Transmitted Infections - Common Outpatient Treatments 
 - Azithromycin 1 g PO once
the first that come ... Outpatient #Treatment #Management
Interphalangeal Joint Dislocation
Interphalangeal joint dislocations almost always occur dorsally, look for associated avulsion fractures! Here's a
extensor tendons come ... tendon) • ED Management ... XRay #Diagnosis #Management
Pulmonary Ultrasound Signs

B Sign, B Line, Comets, A Lines, C Lines

#BSign #BLine #Comets #ALines #Clines #Pulmonary
Sign, B Line, Comets ... #BSign #BLine #Comets
Fomepizole for Acetaminophen Toxicity

 • In cases where fomepizole and NAC were administered together, evidence has
the evidence has come ... #pharmacology #management
In ARDS, we know that the lungs are so diffusely injured that the remaining total area
and Lung Stress come ... pathophysiology #diagnosis #management
CT Lung Signs in Pulmonary Diseases - One Page Summary of Pulmonary Signs
 - Air Crescent
Cheerio sign - Comet