16 results
Intraosseous (EZ-IO) Access in the Humeral Head of an adult

Rule of 45s:
- 45mm needle
- 45° angle
- Less pain in conscious
Intraoperative Cardiac Ischaemia - Guidelines for Crises in Anaesthesia

If the patient is unconscious, signs of cardiac
the patient is unconscious ... the patient is conscious
The Sedation Continuum from Conscious Sedation to General Anesthesia - Definitions

Minimal sedation: a drug-induced state during
Continuum from Conscious ... Moderate sedation ("conscious ... Anesthesia #General #Conscious
Somatoform Disorders - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 - Patient presents with complex medical problem or symptoms that
medically Symptoms Consciously ... Symptoms Not Consciously
Intranasal Glucagon (Baqsimi)

The FDA has approved the first intranasal glucagon product! It's branded under the name
Intranasal Glucagon (Baqsimi ... under the name Baqsimi ... know how to use Baqsimi ... when patients are unconscious ... Intranasal #Glucagon #Baqsimi
Intact Corneomandibular (Wartenberg) Reflex

Patient with pontine hemorrhage without impaired consciousness - Left corneal stimulation triggers contralateral
the patient was conscious
Important Questions to Ask of a Patient Presenting With Syncope
 • What were you doing immediately
long were you unconscious
TTH48 - Targeted Temperature Management for 48 vs 24 Hours and Neurologic Outcome After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac
Conclusion: In unconscious
Intraoperative Circulatory Embolus - Guidelines for Crises in Anaesthesia
Causes: thrombus, fat, amniotic fluid, air/gas.
Signs: hypotension, tachycardia,
irritability if patient conscious
BLS -conscious choking
#BLS #chocking #basiclifesupport
BLS -conscious choking