2176 results
Cannon A waves during AVNRT on Physical Exam
In AVNRT, the atria and ventricles contract nearly simultaneously
and ventricles contract ... to JV when RA contracts ... Awaves #AVNRT #PhysicalExam
Paradoxical Breathing on Physical Exam

Paradoxical breathing is often a sign of breathing problems. It causes the
causes the chest to contract ... Paradoxical #Breathing #PhysicalExam
Paradoxical Respirations in Diaphragmatic Paralysis

Note the paradoxical movement of the abdomen during inspiration. The accessory inspiratory
inspiratory muscles contract ... Clinical #Video #PhysicalExam
Cremasteric Reflex

The cremasteric reflex is elicited by stroking the inner part of the thigh, causing the
cremaster muscle to contract ... clinical #video #Physicalexam
Hoover's Sign

Hoover’s sign refers to inward movement of the lower rib cage during inspiration- instead of
flattened diaphragm contracts ... Pulmonary #COPD #PhysicalExam
The Chvostek sign (/ˈkvɒstɪk/) is a clinical sign of existing nerve hyperexcitability (tetany) seen in hypocalcemia.It
the face will contract ... #Hypocalcemia #PhysicalExam
Auricular Hematoma Aspiration

Very common in contact sports.  Correct treatment prevents the appearance of complications and
Very common in contact ... Hematoma #Aspiration #physicalexam
Atrial Flutter on Neck Examination

If you can dx this rhythm, you are born before 1960. 
wave as A and V contract ... Flutter #Neck #PhysicalExam
Cannon A Waves of Complete Heart Block on Physical Exam
A patient presented to clinic with lightheadedness
When the atrium contracts ... Complete #HeartBlock #PhysicalExam
Corneal neovascularization - Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Corneal neovascularization due to the use of contact lenses in
to the use of contact ... keratoconus #Ocular #PhysicalExam