192 results
Crystalloid pH, Contents and Costs Compared
Plasma	pH 7.4
Normal Saline	pH 5.5*	
Ringer’s Lactate pH 6.5	
Plasmalyte A pH 6.5	
Coca-cola pH
, Contents and Costs ... #Pharmacology #Costs
Diabetes Medication Choice
-Diabetes Medication Choice decision aid cards provide information on medications commonly used to treat
A1c #Reduction #Costs
Syncope Diagnostic Testing and Evaluation: Cost Effectiveness
Frequency obtained - Abnormal findings - Helped determine etiology of
and Evaluation: Cost ... etiology of syncope - Cost ... - Cost per test ... workup #testing #Cost
Peanut Extraction on Bronchoscopy

Dr. Altair Costa Jr @altair.doc

#Peanut #foreignbody #Extraction #Bronchoscopy #clinical #video #pulmonary
Altair Costa Jr
Percutaneous Tracheostomy Placement on Bronchoscopy (Time Lapsed)

Dr. Altair Costa Jr @altair.doc

#Percutaneous #Tracheostomy #Placement #Bronchoscopy #clinical #video
Altair Costa Jr
Antidepressant Medications Decision Aid
 - The choice of depression medications in primary care is difficult as
, burdens, and costs
Syphilis Serologic Testing - Treponemal and Non-Treponemal Testing Algorithms
Treponemal Testing:
 • Confirmatory or Screening - Detection
Definitive • High Cost ... Definitive • Low Cost
Neuropathic Pain: Pharmacotherapy Selection and Effectivity Decision Aid

Figure 2 provides a comparison icon array with natural
Adverse events, costs
Costs vs Benefits of ECLS / ECMO in the Emergency Department
#Policy	#EM #PCC	#ECMO #ECLS #Debate #ProsCons #EMPulse
Costs vs Benefits
Graves' Disease Treatment
Thionamides (mainly methimazole)
 • Chance of remission in up to 2 years
 • No
(~40%) • Low cost