1979 results
Crashing Neonate Algorithm
#Management #Peds #Crashing #Neonate #Algorithm #PEMSource
Crashing Neonate ... Management #Peds #Crashing
PocketPEM - Crashing Neonate
#Management	#Peds #EM	#Crashing #Neonate #PocketCard #PocketPEM
PocketPEM - Crashing ... Management #Peds #EM #Crashing
POCUS Algorithm for Chest Pain

Integrating POCUS in crashing chest pain is complex. Know the views that
Integrating POCUS in crashing ... CriticalCare #Shock #Crashing
Consider using the mnemonic “D.O.P.E.S. like D.O.T.T.S.” to assist you in first diagnosing the problem (D.O.P.E.S.)
lecture on the Crashing ... Diagnosis #Management #Crashing
The Critically Ill Neonate 

(For infants <28 days, corrected age)

#Neonate #NICU #CriticalCare #Peds #Pediatrics #Critical #Crashing
Pediatrics #Critical #Crashing
Addison vs Cushing
Addison vs Cushing
Femoral DVT on POCUS

That crazy moment when you're putting in a femoral arterial line in a
arterial line in a crashing
Cushing Syndrome Testing Algorithm
 • Suspected Cushing syndrome (central obesity, muscle weakness, refractory hypertension)
Cushing Syndrome ... : • Suspected Cushing ... ARUPConsult @ARUPLabs #Cushing
Cushing Syndrome - Likelihood Ratios of Physical Exam Findings
Moon facies LR +1.6
Central obesity LR +3.0
Generalized obesity
Cushing Syndrome ... #Ratios #LRs #PhysicalExam
Hypercortisolism (Cushing syndrome) - Simplified Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Exogenous (ACTH-independent)
 • ACTH-dependent:
    - ACTH-secreting
Hypercortisolism (Cushing ... pituitary adenoma (Cushing