198 results
The Genderbread Person

LBGTQ+ Health Education Resources for Providers

#LGBTQhealth #PatientInfo #LGBTpatientcare #InclusiveCare #CulturalCompetence #GenderBread #Identity
InclusiveCare #CulturalCompetence ... #GenderBread #Identity
Terminology Around Gender Identity and Expression
 • Gender identity - A person's deeply held sense of
Around Gender Identity ... Expression • Gender identity ... Gender identity ... person whose gender identity ... person whose gender identity
Culture-Bound Syndromes found in DSM-5, published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). 
#Psychiatry #Diagnosis #CulturalCompetence #CultureBound
Psychiatry #Diagnosis #CulturalCompetence
How to identify and manage orofacial pain

#Orofacial #Pain #Syndromes #Differential #Diagnosis #Management
How to identify
Maneuvers to Identify Systolic Murmurs 
Effect of Squatting and Valsalva:
 - Mitral Valve Prolapse 
Maneuvers to Identify
How to Use Point-of-Care Ultrasound to Identify Shoulder Dislocation #Clinical #Diagnosis #POCUS #MSK #POCUS #Shoulder #Dislocation
Ultrasound to Identify
Identify a Positive Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Test
#Diagnosis #Tuberculosis #LatentTB #Tuberculin #SkinTest #TST #Interpretation #Induration #Thresholds #Diameters
Identify a Positive
Anatomy of the Knee X-ray - Lateral View.⁣⁣
It’s important to be able to identify the normal
to be able to identify ... structures not only to identify ... A soft tissue density
COPD Exacerbations - Management
 • Identify Triggers
 • Assess Severity
 • Risk for Poor Outcomes
Management • Identify
HERDOO2 score to identify women with unprovoked venous thrombosis (VTE) at low risk of recurrent venous
HERDOO2 score to identify