2341 results
Differentiating DCIS vs LCIS of breast 

#Differential; #Surgery; #Breastmasses; #Breastcancer; #Malignantbreastmass; #LCIS;#DCIS

Image Source:De Virgilio, C., Grigorian,
Differentiating DCIS ... of breast #Differential ... Malignantbreastmass; #LCIS;#DCIS
Statin Drug-Drug Interactions with HIV ART Medications
Dose Adjustments

doi: 10.20945/2359-3997000000306

#Statin #Drug #Interactions #DDIs
#Interactions #DDIs
Azithromycin - since there has been a lot of noise around chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine, thought we can take
for potential DIs ... Pandemic #Treatment #Coronavirus
Breast Cancer Pathogenesis and Histologic vs Molecular Subtypes

#Diagnosis #Oncology #BreastCancer #SubTypes #Molecular #Classification #DCIS #LCIS #InSitu
Classification #DCIS
Azithromycin - since there has been a lot of noise around chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine, thought we can take
for potential DIs ... InfectiousDiseases #COVID19 #Coronavirus
Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Principles of Airway Management

Dr. Albert Chan @gaseousXchange

#Coronavirus #COVID19 #Airway #Management #CriticalCare
Coronavirus - COVID ... gaseousXchange #Coronavirus
#covid #covid19 #coronavirus #sarscov2 #diagnosis
covid #covid19 #coronavirus
Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and R0 of the Novel Coronavirus 2019 compared to other famous contagious
R0 of the Novel Coronavirus ... contagious virues #Coronavirus
Lung Injury Ventilation & ARDSnet

#criticalcare #coronavirus #covid19 #ventilator #mechancialventilation #management #sarscov2
#criticalcare #coronavirus
Typical Progress of COVID-19

Katri Manninen @kutrinet

#Progression #Timeline #COVID19 #SARSCOV2 #Coronavirus #Tree
COVID19 #SARSCOV2 #Coronavirus