536 results
Dysphagia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Oropharyngeal Dysphagia 
Esophageal Dysphagia 
 • Upper 2/3 (striated muscle): stroke, NMJ
adenocarcinoma, DES
Corkscrew Esophagus of Diffuse Esophageal Spasm seen on Fluoroscopy

#Corkscrew #Esophagus #Esophageal #Spasm #Fluoroscopy #clinical #gastroenterology #contrast
barium #radiology #DES
Soyez toujours en bonne santé grâce à votre montre sportive connectée. Réunissant les équipements de base
de base d’un médecin ... avantages de son ... la possibilité de ... vérification de ... tels que la perte des
RCA Aneurysm with TTO

57 yo male, dyslipidemia. Arrives w/ 4 hours inferior + RV STEMI in
performed with 2 DES
Drug-Induced Prolonged QTc

QTc >500ms is an independent risk factor for developing Torsades des Pointes (TdP)
Drugs causing
developing Torsades des
Preoperative Risk Evaluation

Major Pre-Op Questions:
1. Does the patient have any modifiable risk factors that could be
Does the patient ... Does the patient ... If yes, any mention ... since elective PCI/DES ... revascularization does
Perilunate Dislocation
On lateral wrist XR, the capitate ("apple") should sit in the lunate ("tea cup") which
capitate "apple" does ... Ortho consult: Yes ... MH/CCF/CWRU EM Res
EGD Nail Removal in the Duodenum
6y M, Hx of 2.5" carpenter's Nail ingestion 3hrs. Very sharp
Slippage at UES ... • take time at LES ... /UES - sharp pull
Krabbe Disease 

Check out this interesting case of Krabbe disease, a rare genetic leukodystrophy. Diagnosis was
• Symptoms: dev ... deposition) • Dec
Trachea Hypermobility in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)

#Trachea #Hypermobility #Ehlers #Danlos #Syndrome #EDS #clinical #video #physicalexam
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS ... Danlos #Syndrome #EDS