1363 results
Stages in the Development of Diabetes Type 1

#Diabetes #Type1 #TypeI #DM1 #Stages #Development #Pathophysiology #Timeline #Diagnosis
#Type1 #TypeI #DM1
Medications Used in Hypertensive Emergencies
Vasodilators: Hydralazine, Nitroglycerin, Sodium nitroprusside 
Calcium Channel Blockers: Clevidipine, Nicardipine
ß-Blockers: Esmolol, Labetalol,
Phentolamine D1 ... Medications #Management #Treatment
Metformin - First Line Treatment for Diabetes Type 2
• Start with initial dose of 500 mg
Metformin - First Line Treatment ... Pharmacology #Diabetes #DM2
A1C and eAG
*For Educational Purposes Only*

#Diabetes #T2D #DM2 #Table #PrimaryCare #Endocrinology #BloodGlucose #A1C
Diabetes #T2D #DM2
Type 2 Diabetes - Screening, Diagnosis and Management Algorithm
Lifestyle  Modifications (Diet and Exercise) -> Start
relative with DM2 ... associated with DM ... Management #algorithm #DM2
Pharmacologic Treatments of Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy
Central alpha-agonists
 - Methyldopa
 - Clonidine
Combined alpha- and beta-blocker
Pharmacologic Treatments ... Pregnancy #Management #Treatment
Profiles of Antidiabetic Medications - AACE 2018 

#Antidiabetic #Medications #Profiles #SideEffects #Table #DecisionAid #Orals #DM2 #Diabetes
DecisionAid #Orals #DM2
AACE/ACE 2018 Glycemic Control Algorithm

#AACE #2018 #Glycemic #Diabetes #DM2 #Control #Medication #Algorithm #Endocrinology #PrimaryCare #Management
Glycemic #Diabetes #DM2
Lifestyle Therapy for Diabetes - AACE 2018 Guidelines

#Lifestyle #Modifications #Therapy #Diabetes #DM2 #AACE #2018 #Guidelines #Management
Therapy #Diabetes #DM2
Summary and links to five landmark trials of intensive control vs standard therapy in DM2:

standard therapy in DM2 ... PrimaryCare #Diabetes #DM2