31 results
Internal Jugular Vein Rouleaux Flow on POCUS

Amazing video of a dilated IJV showing Rouleaux flow. Whenever
Ria Dancel, MD @ ... Internal #Jugular #IJ
Internal Jugular Vein Rouleaux Flow on POCUS - Longitudinal View

Amazing video of a dilated IJV showing
Ria Dancel, MD @ ... Internal #Jugular #IJ
Central Venous Catheter site selection - Clinical Decision Aid
IJ vs Subclavian vs Supraclavicular vs Femoral by
Clinical Decision Aid IJ ... Infections #Selection #IJ
Scrotal ultrasound demonstrating the "filarial dance" in a patient with filariasis.

#Filariasis #Filarial #Dance #Scrotal #Ultrasound #POCUS
the "filarial dance ... Filariasis #Filarial #Dance
Internal Jugular Vein Anatomy on JVP Examination
Where can I find the IJ?
- Look where SCM attaches
can I find the IJ ... Carotid is Medial to IJ
Lancisi's sign on Physical Exam
Lancisi's sign = loss of the x descent (in tricuspid regurg) creating
large pulsation in IJ
Corrigan's Pulse seen on Carotid / Jugular Ultrasound

You’re preparing to put in an IJ central line
preparing to put in an IJ
Lancisi's sign in Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation - Physical Exam
Note the large systolic jugular venous wave caused
Analogous to pulsatile IJ
Lemierre’s Syndrome - Pathophysiology

Lemierre’s is an infectious thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein.

 - It starts
clot forms in the IJ
Lemierre's Syndrome on Neck POCUS with IJ Thrombosis - Transverse View

Male with high fever and right
Neck POCUS with IJ ... thrombus in the IJ