22 results
Three Ds of Clinical Debriefing : Deactivation, Deconstruction and Dissemination 

- Dr. Ben Symon https://twitter.com/symon_ben

#Clinical #Debriefing
Ds of Clinical Debriefing ... Deactivation, Deconstruction ... #Clinical #Debriefing ... #Deactivation #Deconstruction
Endoscopic Non-Technical Skills and Scopemanship
Whole Team Huddle: planning for case management for the day ahead
Debriefing: provides
the day ahead Debriefing ... Briefing: Preparing
Pivot-Shift Test in ACL-deficient Knee

This patient has pathologic varus alignment across the knee and a chronic
alignment and an ACL reconstruction
Lachman test in ACL-deficient Knee

This patient has pathologic varus alignment across the knee and a chronic
alignment and an ACL reconstruction
Typical Characteristics of Pneumoconiosis 
Coal dust 
 • Coal miners 
 • Fluorescent lights
Shipbuilding • Construction
Posteromedial Instability on Knee Exam
This is what a knee with posteromedial instability looks like. Notice the
Posteromedial corner reconstruction
Gender Affirming Care
Modalities of Gender Affirmation
 • Legal - Can include updating: Birth certificate, Social Security
: Chest/breast reconstruction
Positive Varus Stress Test in LCL Injury

Interesting knee injury in a young basketball player who landed
(rather than a reconstruction
On the left another patient with a large cardiac silhouette on the chest x-ray due to
the coronal CT-reconstruction
Progressive Massive Fibrosis on Chest X-Ray
In a construction worker presenting with shortness of breath.
Progressive Massive Fibrosis
Chest X-Ray In a construction