300 results
After emergency intubation, 33% percent of older adults die during the index hospitalization. #EBM #PatientInfo #Geriatrics
#EBM #PatientInfo ... SurvivalToDischarge #DecisionAid
Decision Aid - What is the risk of serious infection in febrile infants (<60 days old)?

Peds #Pediatrics #DecisionAid ... #Stewardship #EBM
Neuropathic Pain: Pharmacotherapy Selection and Effectivity Decision Aid

Figure 2 provides a comparison icon array with natural
#EBM #Pharmacology ... #Improvement #DecisionAid
Decompressive Craniectomy in Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury (DECRA)

In adults with severe diffuse traumatic brain injury and
VisualAbstract #EBM ... #DecisionAid #Neurosurgery
Safety of Computer Interpretation of Normal Triage Electrocardiograms
#EBM #Cardiology #ComputerInterpretation #ECG #EKG #FOAMCast
Electrocardiograms #EBM ... #Cardiology #ComputerInterpretation
PCI in Acute MI with Cardiogenic Shock. #EBM #Cardiology #CULPRITSHOCK #PCI #VisualAbstract #NEJM
#EBM #Cardiology
2 Percent MACE Image - After calculating the risk for acute coronary syndrome, select the corresponding
#PatientInfo #Cardiology ... LowRisk #Percent2 #DecisionAid
Managing warfarin INR

Warfarin dosage must be individualized according to the patient's response to the drug, and
pharmacotherapy #decisionaid ... #cardiology #hematology
The arrows point to a subendocardial region with poor contrast enhancement due to ischemia. This is
#Clinical #EM #IM ... #Cardiology #Radiology
Since these risk factors are numerous and have different effects on the malignancy risk, it is
#Diagnosis #EBM ... #Radiology #Pulmonary