1334 results
Weaning from the Ventilator - Algorithm
Setting up for extubation success
 • Decrease demand — correct metabolic
success • Decrease demand ... , etc), reduce dead ... Algorithm #Extubation #CriticalCare
NSTEMI Type2 Demand Ischemia Pathophysiology

#NSTEMI #Type2 #TypeII #Demand #Ischemia #Pathophysiology #Cardiology
NSTEMI Type2 Demand ... Type2 #TypeII #Demand
Resuscitative TEE Views #Diagnosis #CriticalCare #Resuscitative #TEE #Transesophageal #Echocardiogram #ACLS #Windows #Views #Table
Views #Diagnosis #CriticalCare ... Windows #Views #Table
Vasopressors and Inotropes - Comparison Table
Activity: Alpha-1, Beta-1, Dopamine, SVR, HR, CO, BP

- Dr. Eric Strong
Inotropes - Comparison Table ... Inotropes #comparison #table ... #pharmacology #criticalcare
Driving Pressure in Mechanical Ventilation

Driving Pressure (delta P) = Pplat - PEEP

Salim R. Rezaie, MD @srrezaie

MechanicalVentilation #CriticalCare ... Management #Diagnosis #Table
Syncope - Findings, Signs and Symptoms by Classification
 - Reflex Syncope 
 - Cardiogenic Syncope
Classification #Table ... #CriticalCare #
Pathophysiology of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) and Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome (HHS)
Absolute Insulin deficit:
 - Type I DM:
that ↑ insulin demand ... stresses ↑ Insulin demand
REBEL Review 4 & 5: Paralytic & Vasopressor Dosing 

Paralytic Agents:
 - Succinylcholine (Depolarizing Agent)
resuscitation #table ... #criticalcare #
Coronary Oxygen Balance 

Myocardial Oxygen Demand <-> Coronary Artery Blood Flow <-> Oxygen Availability

#cardiac #oxygen #pathophysiology
Myocardial Oxygen Demand
Tailoring Vasopressors to a Patient's Physiology

Overall, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and vasopressin are all supported by evidence as
best drug might depend ... #Management #CriticalCare