20 results
Bear Paw Sign of Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis on POCUS

Adult female with right flank pain, fever, leukocytosis, soft
soft vitals, and dirty ... Pyelonephritis #BearPaw

Dirty wounds pose an increased risk for tetanus. Clinicians should consider
FOR WOUNDS Dirty ... consider wounds dirty ... contaminated with dirt
Mixing instructions for epinephrine - a "dirty epi drip"

 - Inject 1 mg of epinephrine into
epinephrine - a "dirty ... #Epinephrine #Dirty
Antiarrhythmic Drug Classes 
IA: "Police Department Questions 
IB: Liquored Man 
IC: For Peeing, 
Ill: After Drinking
In Dark IV: Dirty
Fournier’s Gangrene on Scrotal Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Characteristic ultrasound appearance of Fournier’s
gangrene, demonstrating scrotal wall
hyperechoic foci with ‘‘dirty
Pruritus Treatment Algorithm for Hemodialysis Patients 

Non-PharmacoIogicaI Measures 
 • Use gentle soap e.g. Dove
legs are visibly dirty
Checklist for removing PPE, using a tear-away gown here (this type of gown is preferred)
Inside the
(which may be dirty
Necrotizing Fasciitis on POCUS

Dirty Shadow = ring down artifact. 

- MaimoUltrasound https://twitter.com/MaimoUltrasound

#Necrotizing #Fasciitis #POCUS #Cellulitis #Ultrasound
Fasciitis on POCUS Dirty
Soft Tissue Infection with Cobblestoning and hyperechoic "dirty shadowing" on POCUS

60yo male with h/o diabetes presents
and hyperechoic "dirty ... hyperechoic with "dirty
Gallbladder Stone Mimic on POCUS

Adjacent bowel can mimic GB stone .The shadow it casts is a
it casts is a dirty