7171 results
Necrotizing Fasciitis on POCUS

Dirty Shadow = ring down artifact. 

- MaimoUltrasound https://twitter.com/MaimoUltrasound

#Necrotizing #Fasciitis #POCUS #Cellulitis #Ultrasound
Fasciitis on POCUS Dirty ... DirtyShadowing #Air #Clinical
Soft Tissue Infection with Cobblestoning and hyperechoic "dirty shadowing" on POCUS

60yo male with h/o diabetes presents
and hyperechoic "dirty ... hyperechoic with "dirty ... #SSTI #POCUS #Clinical
Fournier’s Gangrene on Scrotal Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Characteristic ultrasound appearance of Fournier’s
gangrene, demonstrating scrotal wall
hyperechoic foci with ‘‘dirty ... Urology #POCUS #Clinical
Gallbladder Stone Mimic on POCUS

Adjacent bowel can mimic GB stone .The shadow it casts is a
it casts is a dirty ... cholelithiasis #ultrasound #clinical
Pneumoperitoneum on POCUS

Anechoic free fluid seen in the Morrison’s pouch; the article does show some clear
pneumoperitoneum and dirty ... Pneumoperitoneum #POCUS #clinical
POCUS of a bladder demonstrating emphysematous cystitis. 

Note the reverberation artifact with dirty shadowing in the
artifact with dirty ... POCUS #bladder #clinical
Subcutaneous Emphysema on POCUS

Air, air everywhere...but not a lung in sight?! 18M hit in neck with
with posterior dirty ... carotid #ultarsound #clinical
Bear Paw Sign of Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis on POCUS

Adult female with right flank pain, fever, leukocytosis, soft
soft vitals, and dirty ... #Sign #POCUS #clinical
Diabetic foot with gas gangrene on POCUS

60yo male with h/o diabetes presents with foot pain. Which
hyperechoic with "dirty ... #foot #POCUS #clinical
Diverticulitis on Abdominal POCUS

Which diagnosis does this clip demonstrate?
Resolution: Diverticulitis. Quickly diagnosed with the Butterfly iQ
shadow (not a dirty ... Abdominal #POCUS #clinical