2763 results
Giant TWave Inversion #Diagnosis #Cardiology #EKG #GTWI #GiantT #GiantTWave #Inversion #ECGEducator
Giant TWave Inversion ... #Diagnosis #Cardiology ... GiantT #GiantTWave #Inversion
ST depression & T wave inversion causes #Pathophys #Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Differential #TWI #STD #TWaveInversion
depression & T wave inversion ... Pathophys #Diagnosis #Cardiology
Wellens Syndrome on EKG
Associated with a critical stenosis of the proximal LAD, suggestive of impending infarction
Terminal T-wave Inversion ... Symmetric T-wave Inversion ... Syndrome #EKG #ecg #cardiology
The Cardiac Cycle Animated - Systole, Diastole, Pressures and Volume - (slowed down version @ 1/2
- (slowed down version ... Pathophysiology #Cardiology
Types of Urinary Diversion Procedures
Ileal Conduit:
 • Technically simpler, fewer complications, and well understood. No bladder
Types of Urinary Diversion ... Continent Urinary diversion ... drM_sudha #Urinary #Diversion
Wellens' Sign: LAD-T Wave Inversion 
Life threatening T wave inversions in precordial leads. Often V2-V3 
Sign: LAD-T Wave Inversion ... Electrocardiogram #Diagnosis #Cardiology
Approach to ECGs - Syncope Syndromes
 • ↑K - brady, peak T, wide QRS, no P,
, LAE, giant T inversion ... epsilon wave, T wave inversion ... Checklist #diagnosis #cardiology
Causes of Non-Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis - USED PART Mnemonic
U: Urinary diversion/ Ureteroenterostomy
S: Small Bowel Fistula
Mnemonic U: Urinary diversion
Quinidine produces the following ECG changes:
1. Prolongation of Q-T interval:
2. Prolongation of QRS complex:
3. Prominent V
wave widening and inversion ... #Diagnosis #Cardiology
Hypokalemia on EKG 

Patient presenting with severe weakness.  Patient had GI bug with vomiting/diarrhea.
flattened t-waves/inversion ... Electrocardiogram #cardiology