7 results
ACIP recs:
- ACAM2000 is a clonal derivative of Dryvax
 -Extensive data about Dryvax helped inform recommendations
ACIP recs: - ACAM2000 ... derivative of Dryvax ... Extensive data about Dryvax ... different from ACAM2000 ... #Vaccines #ACAM2000
“ Vaccination site 10 days after vaccination in first-time vaccinee” 
#DryVax #SmallPox #OrthoPox 

first-time vaccinee” #DryVax ... /administering-acam2000

The first symptoms include fever, malaise, headache, and sometimes sore throat and cough. 
A distinguishing feature
#Monkeypox #Orthopoxvirus ... Imvanex #Vaccine #ACAM2000

Monkeypox virus belongs to the family Poxviridae, subfamily Chordopoxvirinae, and genus orthopoxvirus
Viral zoonotic disease that is
Chordopoxvirinae, and genus orthopoxvirus ... PCR) testing for orthopoxvirus
Treatment of smallpox patients generally involves supportive care. Vaccination with replication-competent smallpox vaccines (i.e., ACAM2000 and
., ACAM2000 and ... effectiveness against orthopoxviruses
6/02/2022 UPDATE: This assay is designed to detect non-variola orthopoxviruses, including monkeypox virus. It is not
detect non-variola orthopoxviruses ... from the other orthopoxviruses
“ Clinical laboratories should follow these guidelines when collecting specimens for monkeypox virus:

Collect at least two
is non-variola orthopoxvirus