17 results
“ Vaccination site 10 days after vaccination in first-time vaccinee” 
#DryVax #SmallPox #OrthoPox 

first-time vaccinee” #DryVax ... #SmallPox #OrthoPox ... ://www.cdc.gov/smallpox
Evaluating Patients for Smallpox
Acute, Generalized Vesicular or Pustular Rash Illness Protocol

#SmallPox #Algorithm #Diagnosis #Criteria #Differential #Varicella
Evaluating Patients for Smallpox ... Illness Protocol #SmallPox

The first symptoms include fever, malaise, headache, and sometimes sore throat and cough. 
A distinguishing feature
monkeypox from smallpox ... Orthopoxvirus #Poxviridae #smallpox
Algorithm for Diagnosis of the Vesiculobullous Rash

Febrile, Diffuse Distribution:
 - Varicella,  Smallpox,  Disseminated, Gonococcal,
- Varicella, Smallpox
Poxviruses that infect humans range from life-threatening smallpox virus to the very contagious but benign molluscum
life-threatening smallpox
Vesiculobullous Rashes - THE ALGORITHMIC APPROACH 
Vesiculobullous rashes provoke significant angst
in many physicians (Figure 5, page
illness, such as smallpox
ACIP recs:
- ACAM2000 is a clonal derivative of Dryvax
 -Extensive data about Dryvax helped inform recommendations
derivative of Dryvax ... Extensive data about Dryvax
“Laboratory testing for suspected smallpox”
#Diagnosis #Smallpox #Orthopox
for suspected smallpox ... ” #Diagnosis #Smallpox
Treatment of smallpox patients generally involves supportive care. Vaccination with replication-competent smallpox vaccines (i.e., ACAM2000 and
Treatment of smallpox ... replication-competent smallpox ... Treating smallpox ... treatment for smallpox ... #SmallPox #OrthoPox
#vesicularrash #PustularRash #SmallPox #Clinicopathology #Criteria
#PustularRash #SmallPox