3 results
REBEL Review 46: Corticosteroid Conversion Chart 

Glucocorticoid, Approximate Equivalent Dose (mg), Relative Anti-Inflammatory (Glucocorticoid) Potency, Relative
Potency, Biological Half-Life ... steroid #conversion #endocrinology ... comparison #table #pharmacology
SGLT2 Inhibitors 
SGLT2 inhibitors are the newest class of anti-diabetic medications, with the first one (Canagliflozin)
Some people call ... SGLT2 #Inhibitors #Pharmacology ... DM2 #Diabetes #Endocrinology
Amiodarone Thyroid Complications
 - iodine-rich, similar structure to T4, with half life up to 100d
structure to T4, with half ... Complications #endocrinology ... #diagnosis #pharmacology