773 results
Ocular Cross-Section Anatomy and Ophthalmology Acronyms

EOM - Extra ocular movements
IOL - Intraocular Lens
IOP - Intraocular Pressure
Ophthalmology Acronyms EOM
One and a Half Syndrome on Physical Exam

This 28 year old patient presented to clinic with
EOM testing displayed ... improvement in EOM
Ocular Myasthenia Gravis on Physical Exam

A 41yo female was referred by her neurologist for double vision.
non-localized EOM
Extraoccular Muscle Entrapment: This patient fell, sustaining orbital floor fracture of left eye. 
The inferior rectus
Ophthalmology #Photo #EOM
Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) - Spectrum of Response
 • Histology: Persistent eosinophilia, ≥ 15 eos/hpf
 • Symptoms:
Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE ... eosinophilia, ≥ 15 eos ... eosinophilia, 7-14 eos ... /hpf 1-6 eos/hpf ... #Esophagitis #EoE
HUGS – Haloperidol for Gastroparesis #EBM #EM #GI #Haloperidol #Gastroparesis #FOAMCast
Gastroparesis #EBM ... #EM #GI #Haloperidol
Summary of Evidence for Mechanical CPR for OHCA #EBM #EM #Prehosp #MechanicalCPR #Mechanical #CPR #OHCA
CPR for OHCA #EBM ... #EM #Prehosp #MechanicalCPR
Randomised comparison of needle aspiration and chest tube drainage in spontaneous pneumothorax 

Visual Abstract by Dr.
Tom Fadial @thame ... #Management #EBM
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Weakness

- Dr. Tom Fadial @thame 

#Weakness #Algorithm #Evaluation #Diagnosis #Differential #Neurology
Tom Fadial @thame
An algorithm for the evaluation of hyponatremia 

- Dr. Tom Fadial https://twitter.com/thame

#hyponatremia #algorithm #diagnosis #nephrology #differential
Tom Fadial https