2740 results
Radiographic Features of Pulmonary Diseases
 - Pneumonia
 - Atelectasis
 - Emphysema
 - Pneumothorax
 - Effusion
Atelectasis - Emphysema ... Reticular - Emphysema ... Pulmonary #Diseases #Radiology
The fourth pattern includes abnormalities that result in decreased lung attenuation or air-filled lesions.
These include:
- Emphysema
These include: - Emphysema ... #Diagnosis #Radiology ... TractionBronchiectasis #Cysts #Emphysema
COVID-19 patient with severe ARDS

Giuseppe Curigliano, MD, PhD @curijoey

Editor Note: Pt likely has severe underlying emphysema

severe underlying emphysema ... Clinical #ChestCT #Radiology
Paraseptal emphysema is localized near fissures and pleura and is frequently associated with bullae formation (area
Paraseptal emphysema ... formation (area of emphysema ... #Clinical #Radiology ... CTChest #Paraseptal #Emphysema
Centrilobular emphysema due to smoking. The periphery of the lung is spared (blue arrows). Centrilobular artery
Centrilobular emphysema ... #Clinical #Radiology ... Centrilobular #Emphysema
Upper lung zone preference is seen in:
- Inhaled particles: pneumoconiosis (silica or coal)
- Smoking related diseases
(centrilobular emphysema ... edema #Diagnosis #Radiology
Pneumorrhachis, Pneumothorax, and Subcutaneous Emphysema - The entrapped air gained access to the epidural space, which
and Subcutaneous Emphysema ... to subcutaneous emphysema ... D) #Clinical #Radiology
Low Attenuation pattern 
1. Lymphangiomyomatosis (LAM): uniform cysts in woman of child-bearing age; no history of
Centrilobular emphysema ... #Clinical #Radiology
Differential diagnosis of Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
Nodular LCH:
- Sarcoidosis: perilymphatic distribution.
- Metastases: random distribution.
Cystic LCH:
- LAM: round
Centrilobular emphysema ... Clinical #Diagnosis #Radiology
Low Attenuation pattern (2) 
1. Centrilobular emphysema: low attenuation areas without walls. Notice the centrilobular artery
Centrilobular emphysema ... #Clinical #Radiology