68 results
Borrelia recurrentis Infection - Spirochetes were visible (arrows), a finding that suggested louseborne relapsing fever #Clinical
fever #Clinical #Pathology ... Smear #Microscopy #NEJM
Trichodysplasia spinulosa: follicles plugged w/ hyperkeratotic & parakeratotic debris, excessive inner root sheath differentiation towards keratinization.
Enlarged cytoplasmic ... Trichodysplasia #spinulosa #Pathology
Excoriated papules with honey-colored crusting were present on the abdomen, back (Panel A), arms, and legs.
Clinical #Derm #Pathology ... Microscopy #Rash #NEJM
Thyroid Ophthalmopathy, Dermopathy, and Acropachy - Proptosis (Panel A) and pretibial myxedema (Panel B). His physical
his hands were enlarged ... Myxedema #Acropachy #NEJM
African Trypanosomiasis - The examination was notable for the two erythematous lesions, each measuring 3 to
Clinical #Derm #Pathology ... TrypanosomaBrucei #NEJM
Pity this Giant Pronormoblast from an elderly pt w pure red cell aplasia. In the proper
Nuclei enlarged ... Aplasia #Parvovirus #Pathology
Splenomegaly: Massively enlarged spleen, the result of extramedullary hematopoiesis, is outlined above.
This patient's left upper quadrant
Splenomegaly: Massively enlarged ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Herpes Zoster Mandibularis - The lesions were scattered along the area that is innervated by the
#Clinical #Photo ... Mandibularis #Rash #NEJM
A necrotic ulceration was observed on the right side of the tongue. Cervicofacial computed tomography, performed
arteritis #clinical #photo ... Arteritis #tongue #NEJM
Eyelid Melanoma - Despite conservative interventions, the stye had persisted and the skin had become noticeably
C) #Clinical #Pathology ... Melanoma #Microscopy #NEJM