64 results
Intraoperative Pulsating Epidural Hematoma

#Epidural #Hematoma #Intraoperative #Pulsating #neurosurgery #clinical #video
Intraoperative Pulsating Epidural ... Hematoma #Epidural
Intraoperative Pulsating Epidural Hematoma

#Epidural #Hematoma #Intraoperative #Pulsating #neurosurgery #clinical #video #HuseinAlsenafi
Intraoperative Pulsating Epidural ... Hematoma #Epidural
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and Overlap

 SJS-TEN overlap and TEN - Surface Epidermal
syndrome (SJS), Toxic epidermal ... TEN - Surface Epidermal ... Syndrome #Toxic #Epidermal
Intracranial Hemorrhages (ICH)

Epidural Hematoma vs Subdural Hematoma vs Subarachnoid Hemorrhage vs Intraparenchymal Hemorrhage

#Diagnosis #Radiology #Comparison #ICH
Hemorrhages (ICH) Epidural ... EDH #SDH #SAH #Epidural
Burn Wound Assessment - Classification Table #Diagnosis #Clinical #Burn #Classification #Table #Epidermal #Superficial
Classification #Table #Epidermal
Erythroderma - Diagnostic Algorithm. Pathophysiology: 1) Extensive cutaneous capillary dilation, results in widespread exfoliation of the
exfoliation of the epidermis ... dramatic increase of epidermal
Epidural Intracranial Hemorrhage (ICH) #Clinical #EM #NSG #Radiology #CT #Epidural #IntracranialHemorrhage #ICH #ALiEM
Epidural Intracranial ... Radiology #CT #Epidural
Intracerebral hemorrhages (ICH) - Subdural, Epidural, Subarachnoid Comparison

Subdural hematoma 
• Crescent-shaped 
• Blood collection between dura
ICH) - Subdural, Epidural ... are prone Epidural ... ICH #Subdural #Epidural
Spinal Epidural Abscess (SEA) - Clinical Decision Guideline #Diagnosis #EM #NSG #SEA #EpiduralAbscess #Epidural #Abscess #MRI
Spinal Epidural ... EpiduralAbscess #Epidural
Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis - Causative Medications 
and Level of Suspicion 

High Risk:
Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal ... Johnsons #Toxic #Epidermal