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What's the LV Mass equation again? Nevermind I think I can eyeball it (A4C)

From what I
What's the LV Mass equation ... Clinical #Cardiology #POCUS
What's the LV Mass equation again? Nevermind I think I can eyeball it (PSAX)

From what I
What's the LV Mass equation ... Clinical #Cardiology #POCUS
To improve the usefulness of the serum creatinine concentration as a marker of kidney function, prediction
function, prediction equations ... Cockcroft-Gault equation ... Disease (MDRD) equation ... version of this equation ... , render these equations
Positive and Negative Likelihood Ratios Calculations
#Diagnosis #Likelihood #Ratios #LR #Calculations #Equations #Positive #Negative
#Calculations #Equations
Important Biostatistics and Epidemiology Equations

Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN) = true positives / disease
and Epidemiology Equations ... #Epidemiology #Equations
DO2 Equation in Shock = Oxygen Delivery
DO2 = CO x (1.39 x [Hb] x SaO2 +(0.003xPaO2))
DO2 Equation in ... Thind888 #DO2 #Equation
Table 1. Equations for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in adults based on serum creatinine concentration*.
Equations for estimated ... CockcroftGault #EGFR #Equations
Oxygen Delivery Equation
DO2 = CO x {(1.39 x Hb x sO2) + (PaO2 x 0.03)}
DO2 =
Oxygen Delivery Equation ... Oxygen #Delivery #Equation
Schematic of the Continuity Equation to Calculate Velocity, Aortic Valve Area:
#Diagnosis #Cardiology #AorticValveArea #Continuity #Equation #Calculation
the Continuity Equation ... AorticValveArea #Continuity #Equation
Central Venous Oxygen Saturation (cvO2%) to monitor cardiac output - Fick Equation

#Diagnosis #Fick #Equation #CVO2 #CardiacOutput
output - Fick Equation ... Diagnosis #Fick #Equation