9 results
Pectus excavatum
In patients with a pectus excavatum the right heart border can be ill-defined, but this
Pectus excavatum ... with a pectus excavatum ... Pectus excavatum ... #CXR #Pectus #Excavatum
Right ventricular compression and constrictive physiology in a patient with pectus excavatum on Echocardiogram (A4C)

Ivan Stankovic,
patient with pectus excavatum ... Ivan_Echocardio #pectus #excavatum
Pectus Excavatum and RV Compression in a Young Athlete with Syncope by 
Dr. Alex de Feria,
Pectus Excavatum ... mvaduganathan #Pectus #Excavatum
Pectus Excavatum: Congenital posterior displacement of lower aspect of sternum.
This gives the chest a somewhat "hollowed-out"
Pectus Excavatum ... Photo #Pectus #Excavatum
Pathological Optic Disc Cupping

Note cup-to-disc ratio at least 0.8 (physiologic limit of 0.5).

Thinning of optic disc
pathologically cupped (excavated
Etiologies of pulmonary infections according to CT-scan patterns. 
CMV cytomegalovirus, GM galactomannan, HSV herpes simplex virus,
pneumonia (S. aureus) EXCAVATED
Right middle lobe atelectasis
First study the x-rays and then continue reading.
What are the findings?
Blurring of the
A pectus excavatum
Continuous Diaphragm Sign and Pneumomediastinum on Chest XRay

16yo boy referred in by his GP with7/10 chest
degree of pectus excavatum
Ulcerative Colitis Endoscopic Index of Severity - UCEIS
Vascular pattern
   0 = normal - Normal
ulcer - Deeper excavated