7365 results
The retracted visceral pleura is seen (blue arrow) which indicates that there is a pneumothorax.
There is
when there is an air-fluid ... is small, this air-fluid ... #Clinical #Radiology ... Hydropneumothorax #RadiologyAssistant
The fourth pattern includes abnormalities that result in decreased lung attenuation or air-filled lesions.
These include:
- Emphysema
attenuation or air-filled ... Emphysema #SignetRing #RadiologyAssistant
#Clinical #Radiology #CXR #CTChest #Longstanding #Sarcoidosis #Fibrosis #Conglomerate #Nodules #RadiologyAssistant
#Clinical #Radiology ... Conglomerate #Nodules #RadiologyAssistant
Nontuberculous mycobacteria
Nontuberculous mycobacteria, also known as atypical mycobacteria, are all the other mycobacteria which can cause
Notice the air-fluid ... #Clinical #Radiology ... AirFluidLevel #RadiologyAssistant
Consolidation is synonymous with airspace disease.
When you think of the causes of consolidation, think of 'what
replacing the air ... can replace the air ... #Differential #RadiologyAssistant
#Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Garland #Triad #GarlandTriad #Sarcoidosis #Lymphadenopathy #ParatrachealStripe #RadiologyAssistant
#Clinical #Radiology ... ParatrachealStripe #RadiologyAssistant
Dynamic Air Bronchograms of Pneumonia on Lung POCUS

One of the best images of dynamic air bronchograms
Dynamic Air Bronchograms ... images of dynamic air ... pneumonia I’ve seen so far
Lobar pneumonia
On the chest x-ray there is an ill-defined area of increased density in the right
Notice the air-bronchogram ... In the proper clinical ... #Clinical #Radiology ... Lobar #Pneumonia #RadiologyAssistant
#Anatomy #Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Lateral #Vasculature #PulmonaryArteries #PulmonaryVeins #IVC #RadiologyAssistant
#Anatomy #Clinical ... PulmonaryVeins #IVC #RadiologyAssistant
Chest XRay Consolidation Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Consolidation #Pattern #Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant