47 results
History Taking for IBD - FECES Mnemonic
F - Frequency- how often? nocturnal sx? 
E - Emptying
Taking for IBD - FECES ... Mnemonic FECES: ... history #mnemonic #FECES
Infections Rats can Transmit to Humans
Other infections not highlighted include Lassa fever, Plague, Salmonella, Tularemia etc

Rat-Bite Fever Rat Feces
Capillariasis - Capillaria philippinensis Life Cycle
1) Unembryonated, thick-shelled eggs passed in feces.
2) Eggs become embryonated in
eggs passed in feces ... eggs (passed in feces
Iguapoo Falls
Small bowel obstruction with a steep precipice and tumbling feces. We call this Iguapoo falls.
precipice and tumbling feces ... #Obstruction #Feces
Echinococcus Life Cycle
1) Adult in small intestine eggs
2) Embryonated egg in feces
3) Oncosphere hatches; penetrates intestinal
Embryonated egg in feces
Safe Living After Transplant: Animal & Pet Safety Risks
Lower ← → Higher Infection Risk
 • Dogs:
- Contaminated feces

Dirty wounds pose an increased risk for tetanus. Clinicians should consider
with dirt, soil, feces
List of Zoonotic Diseases

Armadillos - Sporothrix schenckii (sporotrichosis), Mycobacterium leprae (leprosy)
Bamboo rats - Talaromyces marneffei (formerly
Toxocara cati (cat feces ... Toxoplasma gondii (cat feces ... granulosus (dog feces ... Toxocara canis (dog feces ... Ingested eggs from feces
List of Zoonotic Diseases

Armadillos - Sporothrix schenckii (sporotrichosis), Mycobacterium leprae (leprosy)
Bamboo rats - Talaromyces marneffei (formerly
Toxocara cati (cat feces ... Toxoplasma gondii (cat feces ... granulosus (dog feces ... Toxocara canis (dog feces ... Ingested eggs from feces
Pathogen: Hantavirus - Rodents are the primary reservoir
 • Shed in the urine, feces, saliva of
in the urine, feces