105 results
Festinating Gait Disorder in Parkison's Disease

#Festinating #Gait #Disorder #Parkisons #parkinsonian #clinical #video #neurology #festination #physicalexam
Festinating Gait ... Parkison's Disease #Festinating ... video #neurology #festination
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome on Physical Exam

Prominent dilated collateral veins are seen bypassing the SVC obstruction

Prominent dilated collateral ... video #vascular #collateral
Estimating Left Ventricular Filling Pressure by Echocardiography

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #Echocardiogram #POCUS #Diastolic #Dysfunction #Diastology #Diastasis #EWave #AWave
Estimating Left
Valgus Stress Test in MCL Injury

In this video you can have a great visual of a
grade III medial collateral ... #Knee #medial #collateral
Portosystemic collaterals in Cirrhosis

Milking abdominal veins demonstrates centrifugal blood flow in caput medusae.

Dr. Boby Varkey Maramattom
Portosystemic collaterals ... @bobvarkey #collaterals
Atrial Myxoma on Cardiac MRI

Dr. Jacobo Kirsch

#Atrial #Myxoma #CardiacMRI #Cardiology #Clinical #Radiology
Atrial #Myxoma #CardiacMRI
Isolated Cardiac Cysticercosis on Cardiac MRI

Dr. Kazi Ferdous @fazalabul

#Cysticercosis #cardiology #clinical #CardiacMRI #Radiology
cardiology #clinical #CardiacMRI
Incidental left atrial appendage thrombus on Cardiac MRI

- thePager @thePagerNews

#thrombus #laa #atrial #appendage #CardiacMRI #clinical #cardiology
atrial #appendage #CardiacMRI
Positive Varus Stress Test in LCL Injury

Interesting knee injury in a young basketball player who landed
of the lateral collateral ... Knee #lateral #collateral
Cardiac MRI of Unicuspid Unicommissural aortic valve in an 18-year-old female patient.

Dr. Jasper Selder, European Cardiology

#Aorta #Valve #CardiacMRI