783 results
Retinopathy of Prematurity: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Increased metabolic demand of growing eye
-> Excessive VEGF production ->
Extra-retinal fibrovascular ... peds #pediatrics #pathophysiology
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Pathogenesis and Medications
 -> Increased Testosterone -> Testosterone metabolized into DHT by type
encapsulated by fibromuscular ... Hyperplasia #Prostate #Pathophysiology
Intrinsic Renal Disease - Differential Diagnosis
 • Macrovascular: Renal artery occlusion, Fibromuscular disease
 • Microvascular: TTP/HUS,
artery occlusion, Fibromuscular ... disease • Microvascular
Diabetes Complications - Microvascular and Macrovascular

#Diabetes #Complications #Microvascular #Macrovascular #Clinical
Complications - Microvascular ... Complications #Microvascular
Fibrovascular Proliferation - Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Fibrovascular proliferation and macular hole in a patient with proliferative diabetic
Fibrovascular Proliferation ... Examination Fibrovascular ... @oftalmopo #Fibrovascular
Diabetes Pathophysiology and Medication Targets

The ominous octet is one concept that summarizes the different pathophysiologic pathways
Diabetes Pathophysiology ... the different pathophysiologic ... #Diabetes #Pathophysiology
Vasospastic (Prinzmetal) Angina
Definition / Epidemiology:
 • Rest angina attributed to coronary artery vasospasm.
 • Patients often
Pathophysiology: ... dysfunction and microvascular
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy - Pharmacotherapy

Peripheral neuropathy is a common microvascular complication of diabetes. In clinic patients
neuropathy is a common microvascular
Maculopapular - Diagnostic Algorithm
- Catch-all term with a wide range of potential pathophysiologic mechanisms and causative
Diagnostic Algorithm Pathophysiology ... range of potential pathophysiologic ... - Pathophysiology
NSTEMI Type2 Demand Ischemia Pathophysiology

#NSTEMI #Type2 #TypeII #Demand #Ischemia #Pathophysiology #Cardiology
Demand Ischemia Pathophysiology ... Demand #Ischemia #Pathophysiology