4607 results
Finger Wound Healing - Time Lapse Video

33 day time lapse.

#Wound #Healing #TimeLapse #Video #Finger #clinical #video
Finger Wound Healing ... - Time Lapse Video ... Healing #TimeLapse #Video ... #Finger #clinical ... #video
Calcinosis Drainage from a Finger in Dermatomyositis

Dr. Janet Pope @Janetbirdope

#Calcinosis #Drainage #Finger #Dermatomyositis #clinical #video #physicalexam
Drainage from a Finger ... Calcinosis #Drainage #Finger ... Dermatomyositis #clinical #video
Intention Tremor on Physical Exam Demonstrated by Finger to Nose Testing

Caused by cerebellar dysfunction.

#Intention #Tremor #Dysmetria
Demonstrated by Finger ... Tremor #Dysmetria #Finger ... Nose #clinical #video
Milkmaid’s Grip of Chorea on Physical Exam
Milk maids grip is appreciated as an alternating squeezing and
releasing of the finger ... of examiner’s fingers ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Positive Hoffmann's sign (finger flexor reflex) in a patient with Multiple Sclerosis

The Hoffmann's reflex test itself
Hoffmann's sign (finger ... holding the middle finger ... allowing the middle finger ... thumb and/or index finger ... Abnormal #Clinical #Video
Jaccoud's Arthropathy on Physical Examination

Deforming non-erosive arthropathy characterized by ulnar deviation of the second to fifth
second to fifth fingers ... changes as in the video ... #Subluxation #Finger ... Ulnar #clinical #video
Gerstmann Syndrome
1) Finger agnosia - Inability to name their own fingers, affecting both sides
2) Right-left confusion
Gerstmann Syndrome 1) Finger ... name their own fingers ... - Inability to differentiate
Raynaud's Phenomenon on Physical Exam

#Raynauds #Syndrome #disease #phenomenon #clinical #video #physicalexam #fingers #hands #rheumatology
phenomenon #clinical #video ... #physicalexam #fingers
Gonorrhea (Disseminated): skin findings associated with Disseminated Gonococcal Infection (DGI).
Photo credit, Josh Fierer, M.D.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D.
Photo credit, Josh Fierer ... #Disseminated #Finger
Approach to ECGs - Tachy/Bradyarrhythmias
Tachyarrhythmias - HR > 100
  (1) VT - DANGER
Wide (1) VT - DANGER ... B Afib + WPW - DANGER ... Vfib/flutter - DANGER ... 120-200ms from longer ... electrocardiogram #cardiology #differential