17 results
Zones of Fingertip Injuries

Zone 1: Distal phalanx preserved 
Most of nail bed intact 

Zone 2: Distal
Zones of Fingertip ... bed #Zones #Fingertip
Fingertip amputations after tegaderm 

For fingertip amputations, wrap tegaderm around the tip. Results are impressive. There’s
Fingertip amputations ... tegaderm For fingertip ... Lew @elewMD #Fingertip
Janeway Lesions of Endocarditis on Physical Exam

#Janeway #Lesions #PhysicalExam #clinical #photo #fingertips #endocarditis
clinical #photo #fingertips
Dry Gangrene of the Fingertips on Physical Exam

- Dr. Ajit Singh @AJITPSINGH4

#Gangrene #Dry #Hand #Fingers #PhysicalExam
Gangrene of the Fingertips
Topical Medications Quantities - FINGERTIP UNIT (FTU) 

How do we know how much cream a patient
Medications Quantities - FINGERTIP ... A fingertip unit
Gangrenous Frostbite Hand Injury on Physical Exam

Mountain climber Fahad Badar experienced frostbite during an expedition to
At first, his fingertips ... severe that the fingertips ... remove his dead fingertips
Wooden Foreign Body Removal under Ultrasound Guidance
Small piece of wood deep in fingertip. Removed with small
of wood deep in fingertip
Cyanosis: Bluish discoloration of nail beds and fingertips, usually associated with hypoxemia and/or

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. -
nail beds and fingertips
Cyanosis: Bluish discoloration of nail beds and fingertips, usually associated with hypoxemia and/or

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. -
nail beds and fingertips
Retained wood splinter removal on POCUS

Retained wood piece in volar fingertip-22 days ago. X-rays neg. Diagnosed
piece in volar fingertip