88 results
Video Laryngoscopy vs Direct Laryngoscopy on Successful First-Pass Orotracheal Intubation Among ICU Patients

JAMA. 2017;317(5):483-493 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2598718

Conclusions: Among
Anesthesiology #Intubation #FirstPass ... #Success #EBM #
GI Bleed Checklist

Exam, Labs, Access, Coagulation status, 

#Diagnosis #Management #Gastrointestinal #GIBleed #Checklist #CriticalCare
Exam, Labs, Access
Peripheral IV Catheters - Colors, Sizes and Flow Rates
#Management #Peripheral #PIV #Intravenous #Access #Catheter #FlowRates #Nursing
#Intravenous #Access
Humeral IO Access


#Humeral #IO #intraosseous #Access #IOAccess #clincal #video #procedure #physicalexam
Humeral IO Access ... #intraosseous #Access
Demonstration of Humeral IO Access Insertion

Life & Sirens @ lifeandsirens

#Humeral #humerus #IOAccess #intraosseous #access #Insertion #clinical
of Humeral IO Access ... #intraosseous #access
Demonstration of Proximal Tibial IO Access Insertion

Life & Sirens @ lifeandsirens

#Tibial #IOAccess #intraosseous #access #Insertion #clinical
Proximal Tibial IO Access ... #intraosseous #access
Complex Perianal Fistulas and Crohn's Disease - Management Algorithm
Factors for Operative Strategy
  • Fistula Classification
cohort studies: UST success ... (38.5%) > VDZ success
Emergency Access Flow Rates with Pressure

 20G		140
 18G		210
 16G		390
 14G		480
 RIC		600
Intraosseous IO
 15G Tibia	30
Emergency Access ... Sheath 600 #Access
Weaning from the Ventilator - Algorithm
Setting up for extubation success
 • Decrease demand — correct metabolic
for extubation success
Management of critically-ill cirrhotic patients

Open Access Source (Intensive Care Med (2018) 44:1932–1935): https://link.springer.com/epdf/10.1007/s00134-018-5078-z?shared_access_token=rKBIIjC6Htq14G82yghJnfe4RwlQNchNByi7wbcMAY63FIMr4IeFUPHZTUFKckgGIQeEsXu7k1NhPo-T8ItytjuWlMH7y0kI6IydY2i7VzU4Y93MfuEKQruo-qIKnVF91JyuQsQbJNPJv3UJYPzkySdSktYPmFVd6xw1xJDLPqY%3D

#cirrhotic #cirrhosis #Management #CriticalCare
patients Open Access