Emergency Access Flow Rates with Pressure

 20G		140
 18G		210
 16G		390
 14G		480
 RIC		600
Intraosseous IO
 15G Tibia	30
 15G Humerus	60
 15G Sternum	90
Central Line
 Triple Lumen (18G Proximal Port)	80
 Triple Lumen (16G Distal Port)	120
 8.5Fr Introducer Sheath			600

#Access #FlowRates #Pressure #Management #CentralLine #Peripheral #IO #Intraosseous 
Dr. Tom Fadial @tomfadial · 5 years ago
Educational Technology and Innovation Officer at McGovern Medical School | Department of Emergency Medicine. Creator of ddxof.com, ecgstampede.com | www.twitter.com/thame | www.instagram.com/ddxofmd